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Xeno Product Updates: July 2024

Xeno Product Updates: July 2024
Published On
August 8, 2024

At Xeno, we're constantly evolving to make your experience smoother and more impactful. Our latest updates are designed to streamline your workflow, enhance your loyalty programs, and expand your collaboration opportunities. 

Here’s what to expect: 

  1. Integrate third-party coupons directly into your platform
  2. Introducing Condition Groups for Loyalty Tiers
  3. Access detailed customer channel metrics instantly.
  4. Advanced Spend Rules for Loyalty Tiers for departments, categories, and products

Dive into these updates to see how they can help you streamline operations, improve customer engagement, and elevate your loyalty programs.

1. Loyalty Improvements

A. Introducing External Offers to collaborate with 3rd party brands

This feature allows you to integrate third-party coupons and deals directly into your platform. These offers are applied based on the cart contents and don’t require discount details from us.

How it works:

  • Partner with Third-Party Brands: Expand your offerings by seamlessly integrating external coupons and deals into your platform. 
  • Showcase offers: Display a variety of offers at checkout, similar to platforms like CRED and Paytm, to entice customers.

Enhance your offer presentation:

  • Enhanced Offer Presentation: Make your offers visually appealing with high-quality images. Showcase your partner's offerings with multiple images, just like you see on platforms like Swiggy and Zomato.
  • Transparent and Informative: Provide customers with all the necessary details by adding comprehensive descriptions, terms and conditions, and cancellation policies to each offer.

For instance, similar to collaborations on platforms like CRED and Paytm, you can now partner with various brands to provide exclusive offers. When a customer makes a payment, they can see a list of available third-party offers. Clicking on an offer will redirect them to the partner’s site to claim it.

B. Introducing Condition Groups for Tiers!

Create highly customized loyalty tiers with our new Condition Groups feature by combining multiple rules using AND/OR logic to define complex eligibility criteria. You can now set up complex rules such as:

  • (Rule A AND Rule B) OR (Rule C OR Rule D)
  • (Rule A OR Rule B) OR (Rule C OR Rule D)
  • (Rule A AND Rule B) AND (Rule C OR Rule D)
  • (Rule A AND Rule B) OR (Rule C AND Rule D)

For example, one client uses this feature to create tiers based on criteria such as customers who spent $500 OR $5000, and visited 1 OR 5 times, enabling complex AND/OR groupings within a single rule set.

C. Advanced Spend Rules to Enhance Loyalty Program Flexibility

We have introduced new spend rules to enhance the flexibility and precision of our loyalty program.

Here’s what’s new:

Spend Rules:

  • Min/Max Spend on a Department: Set minimum or maximum spend limits for specific departments.
  • Min/Max Spend on a Category: Apply spend limits to particular product categories.
  • Min/Max Spend on a Product: Set spend limits for individual products.

Apply these rules based on net amount, gross amount, or the previous amount system to enhance control and tailor loyalty rewards to your business needs.

2. Instant Segment Insights Within Xeno

Segments Save in the Background: You can now save segments while continuing to navigate the platform, cutting down wait times.

Streamlined Segment Management: See segment statuses directly on the listing page:

  • Pending: Segment created, no customers uploaded
  • Processing: Customers being added
  • Processed: Segment ready for use

Comprehensive Campaign & Channel Metrics: Gain a crystal-clear view of your customer's preferred channels. Easily access these numbers within Xeno  without any back-and-forth guesswork: some text

  • Customers: Total IDs in Xeno
  • Phones: Valid phone numbers
  • SMS Opt-ins: SMS opt-ins
  • WA Opt-ins: WhatsApp opt-ins
  • Emails: Valid email addresses
  • Email Opt-ins: Email opt-ins
  • For example, Analyze a 60,000-customer base to instantly see a breakdown like: 45,000 with email addresses, 30,000 with phone numbers, 25,000 opted-in to email, 15,000 opted-in to SMS, and identify that you can potentially reach 25,000 customers via email and 15,000 via SMS.

With our latest July 2024 updates, Xeno is more powerful than ever, designed to streamline your operations, enhance customer engagement, and elevate your loyalty programs. 

Ready to see these updates in action? Schedule a demo with us today to explore Xeno. 

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Founder & CEO

Pranav Ahuja is the founder & CEO of Xeno. Pranav & Ayushmaan started Xeno together in 2015 and together have a vision to make Xeno the #1 customer intelligence platforms for retailers all across.  When he's not busy revolutionizing retail marketing, Pranav enjoys playing poker and basketball.

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