Engage, Reward & Retain Customers with Xeno's Next-Gen Loyalty Program

Increase Customer Lifetime Value&Boost Retention by rewarding your most loyal customers and engaging them through exclusive experiences & rewards. Book a demo to explore Xeno’s Next-Gen Loyalty Engine in Action.

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Repeat Sales
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Boost Repeat Sales & Brand Loyalty Through Rewards

Offer a loyalty program that goes beyond transactions, creating lasting connections and turning customers into brand advocates.

Creating Stickiness to Drive Retention

Encourage repeat business by offering rewards or discounts, reducing churn, and increasing the Average Ticket Value.

Reward Loyal Customers & Build Brand Advocacy

Demonstrate your gratitude to loyal customers to strengthen customer relationships and stand out in a highly competitive marketplace

Increase Customer Engagement

Increase customer engagement by offering exclusive events & experiences tailored specifically for program members. Provide them with early access to new products, services, or features, allowing them to be the first to experience and foster a sense of exclusivity.

Leverage your Loyalty Program to collect valuable customer data points

Collect Data such as customer preferences, behaviors, and purchase patterns, to gather actionable insights for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences.

Convert one-time visitors into repeat customers

Repeat Revenue

Boost customer visit frequency and average transaction value

Online Migration

Convert offline customers to online shoppers

Dormant Winback

Reactivate dormant customers who haven't shopped in 3 or 6 months

Upsell / Cross-sell

Execute targeted cross-sell & upsell campaigns


Run automated marketing journeys in real-time

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Offer exclusive experiences & benefits

Surprise and delight your loyal customers by offering them exclusive experiences and benefits that go beyond their expectations & make them feel extra special

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Redemption Across Channels

Allow customers to redeem loyalty points seamlessly across channels, providing a consistent and personalized experience for loyal customers both online and in-store.

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Create Personalized Loyalty Journeys For Each Customer

Create personalized loyalty journeys, guiding each customer through tailored communications from their first order and beyond.

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Run loyalty on Whatsapp, Facebook & Instagram

Be where your customer is and don’t restrict yourself to SMS. Send loyalty reminder messages and loyalty updates on the digital channel your customer prefers.

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Go beyond Transactional Rewards

Acknowledge and reward other types of engagement, such as social media sharing, referrals, reviews, etc. to create a more emotional relationship with your customers. 

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Marketers & CxO’s like you ❤ Xeno

Head Of Marketing, Chumbak Design
The results with Xeno have been very promising. We are able to run many experiments and while we are in a learning phase, experiments have proved fruitful. The team at Xeno is solid, they work like your in-house partner and presents well thought plans.
AVP Marketing, Taco Bell
If you need a partner who understands your business and how the whole CRM thing from how the integration happens, how the personas are built & how the customer bucketing happens. Most importantly treats this entire journey as their own.
Previously, SSIPL Retail
Our vision is to have a very strong digital presence & increase our online share. Having a strong partner like Xeno, we are focused on achieving our ROI goals & revenue goal month on month with every campaign

Powerful solutions for your business needs

amante personalised marketing

Powerful solutions for your business needs.

All customers are different, their fashion choices are different, their buying behavior is different. Do you know what that means? Your fashion brands need to make sure your customer experience is memorable, creates delight, and is personalized.

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beauty personalised marketing ideas

Powerful solutions for your business needs

The beauty and wellness industry is inherently personal because no two faces are same, and you can no longer cater to the mass market with the same kind of communication.

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Repeat Sales
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restaurants personalised marketing ideas

Powerful solutions for your business needs

Food is all about choices, tastes, and habits. And now there’s one more addition to this list: Personalisation. In the era of digital transformation, your customers expect communication that is personalised and tailored to their needs and preferences.

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Repeat Orders
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Building Trust with the most Stringent Data Security Measures in Place

Make decisions across the organization driven by customer intelligence

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